Home Staging New York’s Master Bedroom Fit For A King!

Home Staging New YorkHome Staging New York does not always require a complete gut renovation of a room or the whole apartment.  After all, we offer Lifestyle Staging, not model apartments.  This master bedroom had great storage and built-in lighting.  The ultimate prize was that the room could accommodate a king size bed!  This is a true rarity in New York City’s pre-war buildings.

The crochet afghan and shelves cluttered with books and childish accessories did not exude a sophisticated backdrop.  By adding hotel-style linens to the king size bed, de-cluttering the bookshelves, and adding art, a few lifestyle accents and a floral arrangement, this master bedroom was transformed into a welcoming, sophisticated  retreat.

And the mirror?  Well, what do you think? Kinda fun, no? LOL

Home Staging New York

Home Staging New York for the last 5 years, Amazing Space NYC’s lead designer, Debbie Oulvey, can be reached at 917-428-3965.

New York Home Staging

2 thoughts on “Home Staging New York’s Master Bedroom Fit For A King!

  1. We kept the mirrors in the master for several reasons. To remove them would have a been a tremendous task, one that might have compromised the built-in night stands and overhead lighting soffit. While perhaps not the most current trend, the mirrors were in excellent condition and actually helped make the bedroom look larger. They also offered a visual distraction to all of the built-ins that surrounded the bed and the wall with the windows.

  2. Juliet Johnson says:

    I’m wondering how come you didn’t replace the mirror, Debbie? It seems unlike you to keep something so off-trend.

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