Thank You For A Great 2013!

Inner City Scholarship Fund is one charity Amazing Space NYC believes in wholeheatedly2013 was a great year for Amazing Space NYC. We achieved a record growth of 34%, and have been able to sponsor a child through the Be a Student’s Friend organization.  We are sponsoring an elementary school student attending an archdiocese school in the Bronx by providing 70 per cent of the tuition for the 2013-2014 academic year.

I never went to catholic school.  These students that I help live at or below poverty level. Most are minority, being raised by a single parent, and in some cases a grandmother. The public schools in their neighborhood are dangerous. These families know education is the way out of poverty and welfare. Helping them with tuition is such a small token. We also collect and send gently used toys and books to the schools to help other students who might not have the means to purchase life’s little luxuries.

It has long been a personal goal of mine to give back, and so this first step is truly deeply meaningful.  I could do not it without my wonderful clients and their clients.  Here is a cross-section of their kind remarks this year:-

After our loft sat on the market for 4 months without an offer, leading us to change brokers, our new broker recommended Debbie. I have to confess I was skeptical about real estate staging – the idea that  a few bright pillows and vases could magically sell an apartment.  Debbie quickly demonstrated that effective staging is far, far more than that. Her implementation of straightforward but dramatic changes to furniture placement, decor, and use of color, made an immediate, palpable difference in the presentation of our apartment. Not only did the offers come in quickly, but our place became more fun to live in while we were waiting for our sale to close.  I should also add that Debbie works at the speed of light. Its truly amazing how fast she got our place looking fantastic.

Stephanie, TriBeCa

Debbie, just a quick note to thank you again for working with us to stage our apartment last week.  Over the past few days we’ve noticed the tiniest of details and the amount of care that you took with our space from storing our most-used items in easy reach right down to fixing the torn under-linings on our dining room chairs…I don’t mean to gush, but we really, really appreciate everything you did for us and I know the time frame was a special concession for you.  Thank you again.
As an update: we accepted an offer well above asking price today, and we owe this in large part to your timeliness and creativity.  We’re very pleased, and just wanted to thank you again.  If there is anything we can ever to do help you: letters, referrals, anything; please let us know.

Amanda, Upper West Side

 Thank you for all your help! .. We feel you had a huge impact on the “new” look that helped sell the apt.  Separately, We have a bid out on a one bedroom  on park ave and 36 street — if it goes through — would you be open  to schedule a consult at  the new place?

 Pearl, Upper West Side

Well apparently your staging job was TOO good for 79 street as we are about to get an offer.

Jackie, Upper East Side

Just wanted to let you know that we have an accepted offer on our place!  We have several offers straight away and we had a small bidding war.  We hope to have the contracts signed next week.  You did great work and I will, for sure, recommend you.

Chiara, Upper East Side


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